Shi lin Guan In

Building Details

Shi lin Guan In (士林官隱) is a new development project located in Shilin District. The development aims to provide 26 residential units, each with a balcony, in a single 8-floor building and it is expected to complete and open for residential uses in 2017. Located near Fuzhi Park, a natural park with more than 12,000 sq Feet, residents can enjoy spectacular scenery and have a relaxing atmosphere near their home.

Shi lin Guan In (士林官隱) is a new development project located in Shilin District. The development aims to provide 26 residential units, each with a balcony, in a single 8-floor building and it is expected to complete and open for residential uses in 2017. Located near Fuzhi Park, a natural park with more than 12,000 sq Feet, residents can enjoy spectacular scenery and have a relaxing atmosphere near their home.

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Features & Facts
Address : Lane 251, Fulin Road, Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111
Units :

26 Units

Size :

1 to 2 Bedrooms; 15 to 34 Ping

Developer :


Government SRPE :

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