New Property Developments in Happy Valley

258 - 428 Sqft
Studio - 1 bed(s)
Farzon Group
- 17.16M
619 - 698 Sqft
Kelly Properties
New Developments in Happy Valley

Do you sometimes find the bustling scene in the city tiring and wish you could get away - but not too far away - from it? New developments in Happy Valley are what you are looking for.Happy Valley is a small neighbourhood with medium-rise buildings tucked away to the side of Wan Chai. When the absence of an MTR station or shopping centres keeps flocks of tourists away, Happy Valley is still fairly accessible by tram aka Ding Ding and bus.Most apartments are located around the Happy Valley Racecourse, which is opened on Wednesday nights for the most iconic activity in Hong Kong - horse racing. These older buildings tend to lack estate management or, sometimes, a functioning elevator.New developments in Happy Valley typically are larger than average Hong Kong homes, offering an alternative to those who want to stay out of maintenance troubles and need a bigger space to call home.

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New Developments in Hong Kong